Trombone Lesson: For students who have a flair for music, the Trombone is a wonderful brass instrument, that follows all styles of music. Its deep sound and tone are quite easily produced and for beginners, is most suitable to students aged 7/8 or older.
Trombones have a telescoping slide mechanism that varies the length of the instrument to change the pitch. The ‘slide’, the most distinctive feature of the trombone, allows the player to extend the length of the air column, lowering the pitch.
Students may prepare for exams once they are ready, and for those who wish to play for pure enjoyment, our recitals throughout the year will provide the opportunity to play in various ensembles and improve your solo style.
We are always happy to work with students who have no desire to complete exams and wish to learn and play the trombone for pure enjoyment.
Check out our Facebook for regular updates or contact us for more information.