Kindermusik - For a child’s brain, body, heart & soul

We offer Kindermusik Classes at our Dublin Music Academy in Terenure.

KINDERMUSIK is an award winning programme that effectively combines Music & Movement in a fun and dynamic way, to stimulate learning and brain development.

We all know children thrive on music.

Kindermusik takes musical learning to the next level and our curriculum is proven to improve a child’s brain development in many ways. It’s also great fun for parents to get involved in the classes and to continue the musical learning at home.

Try a Kindermusik Class

Why Kindermusik?
Psychologists, neuroscientists, and experts in early childhood development have demonstrated that music does more for children than bring them joy…. it helps their brain cells make the connections needed for virtually every kind of intelligence.

For more information check out or get in touch with us here at Mezzo.

Class Timetable

Term 1  Saturdays commencing 7th Sept 2024 to Saturday 25th Jan 2025  17 wks  €263.50

Term 2  Saturdays commencing 8th Feb 2025 to Saturday 14th June 2025  14 wks  €217.00

Class Times 

9.00 am Ages 0 -18 months

9.45am  Ages 18 months - 3

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When young children are consistently engaged by music in an age-appropriate, socially accepting environment, they benefit at many levels. And of course, they develop a lifelong love of music.

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Benefits of Kindermusik for Babies


benefits for babies


Strengthen bond
Cuddle, play & hum
Social interaction w/ others
Side-Beside play
Group & circle dances


Brain development
Locate and respond to sounds
Instrument & object play
Learn steady beat


Develop vocalisation
Build language skills
Explore sounds
Repeat songs
Learn rhymes & chants


Bounce to steady beat
Explore instruments
Listen to sounds
Move to music


Gross & fine motor skills
Roll & crawl to music
Stand independently
Learn to walk
Grasp & release objects

Benefits for Toddlers

benefits for toddlers


Build special rituals
Practice sharing
Express emotions
Imitate & play with others
Participate in circle games


Develop routines
Engage curiosity & imagination
Identify pictures & sounds
Clap & tap in time to music


Verbal exploration
Sing & vocal play
Story time & finger plays
Learn simple rhymes


Drum, ding & dance together
Inspire daily routines
Strengthen bond you share


Gross & fine motor skills
Hold & shake instruments
Run, jump, stop & go
Learn finger plays
Turn pages of a book

Benefits for Big Kids

benefits for big kids


Self esteem & confidence
Share ideas
Form a close peer group
Take pride in accomplishments


Read, write & compose music
Differentiate long vs short
Discriminate left vs right
Learn music notation & symbols


Verbal communication
Language development
Imitate melody & match pitch
Sing in several languages
Join in speech ensembles
Expand vocal range


Strum strings on a dulcimer
Learn to play the recorder
Enjoy group dances
Develop singing voice
Compose songs


Move to the beat of the music
Learn multi-step dances
Write name & musical notation
Draw & trace items
Play the glockenspiel